New to the Day?

Well, hello you!

I am back after taking a (sort of) vacation and now it's back to the good stuff! =D

So here is what is in line for the next couple of weeks. To be honest, live shows are limited so far, lots of private stuff going on, but it's all good.

23rd and 24th February
Mezze Lounge
Dasha Logan accompanied by the Mezze trio

8th and 22nd March
No Black Tie!
Dasha Logan
info :

AND dont forget to check out the No Black Tie tribute to Whitney Houston on the 9th and 10th of March featuring the amazing vocals of Rozz, Poova and Elvira Arul!

HOPEFULLY something big for me is about to happen. So fingers crossed till everything is confirmed. =)

Wish me luck, friends!