
adversary, antagonist, challenger,contestant, corival, emulator, opponent, opposition, contender, concours.

Here are just a few examples of words used to describe what we all have a fear of.

The Competition.

We fear our competition for we expect to be defeated. This is where we all succumb to our weakness and take the easy way out. We give up.

But our Competition is not someone we should retreat form. On the other hand, our Competition is someone we should focus on, take example from, learn form, depend on, study, memorise, and most importantly, respect.

The main reason why out Competition is given that title is because we feel intimidated. Fine.

"There is someone out there better then I am",we think, then we of course go into "bitch" mode and start bad-mouthing our Competition.

Remember this; Learn from your Competition, take it and add on to it. Eventually, your only competition would be Yourself.

And if you consider your Competition your enemy, then take some advice from Aristophanes

"the wise learn many things from their enemies"

So love, learn, admire and respect your competition. This is how you grow.

Bring. It. On. 