
SO what else is new?

It has been months since I have written and like I said above... yeah, what else?

To be honest, I got lazy and distracted with my daily life that I forgot about the one thing that has always made me happy when I was active, and always made me sad when I left it forgotten.

Music. My own. My love. My dream. 

I was going to start a new blog about how I really really really want to write my own stuff on the piano. How I hate that I am not equipt enough to do that! But I have this, and this is about my music and me and our relationship. And so, I have decided to really get into it. And I don't mean the quick "here is 10 minutes a-day practice tutorial" (which I do admit I do watch just for ideas), but really really get into it. Like getting lost in practice and hating myself when I get things wrong and loving myself when I get things right and just DOING IT like I have said I will for years.

Why is it different this time? Because I am telling you about it. And I hope you can be supportive and remind me to practice, remind me that the end game is worth the effort. Remind me that it is not too late. And with all your help, I will get there.

I am so lucky to already have people in my life willing and ready to help. Arms wide open, phones on and homes ready for me whenever I need that extra guidance.

I can not wait to tell you all about it.


Shows this month : 13 (No Black Tie), 15 & 16 (No Black Tie), 20 (Le Noir), 23 (Suzie Wong)
Check out their website for more info!

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